Boldly Proclaim the Gospel to Your Future Generations of Grandchildren “From the Grave”.
Reach several future generations of your grandchildren, over 100 years from now, after you are “absent from the body and present with the Lord”. If the Lord tarries, how dark will it be on the earth? Make sure your future descendants will have the opportunity to receive and respond to the Gospel by you, personally, sending them the “Letter of Witness” - From The Grave.
Witness From the Grave.
Each grandchild of your future generations will receive a ‘Letter of Witness’ to guarantee they have an opportunity to know and understand the Gospel and an opportunity to respond to it and be Saved.
This occurs after the deaths of you and your spouse.
The first group of grandchildren who will be under the age of 30 at the time of your deaths will be considered your “1st generation of descendent Grandchildren”.
When they turn age 30, the “Letter of Witness” with an appropriate introduction (see introduction suggestions) will be mailed to them on your behalf.
This is How it Works:
Estimate how many grandchildren will be in each future generation you want to reach.
Create a list of contact information for your grandchildren who are in your first group.
Select someone in your family who is a Believer, trustworthy and much younger than you. Discuss your plan with them and get their decision to carry out your desires with contacting your 1st generation of grandchildren in this fashion.
You will provide this person with the following: list of names and contact information , copies of the “Letter of Witness”, including their note of introduction, envelopes, and money for postage.
1. Instructions for your delegated person: On their 30th birthday, mail each grandchild the “Letter of Witness”. Make sure you put your own name and return address on the envelope. Also include your contact information with the letter, if the grandchild would have any questions.
After all of the grandchildren on the list have been contacted, it is incumbent for the family member you selected to repeat the process. They must find their successor: a family member who is a Believer, trustworthy and much younger, to do the same job for the next generation, 30 years later. Which means create a list of the next generation of grandchildren including their full names, age and birthdate, etc. as they received from you.
2. It is optional to include an American Eagle Silver Dollar as a gift for each descendent grandchild. Mail per regulations of the USPS.
You must provide the total number of silver dollar coins for all your descendent grandchildren. Include extra coins for postage and to pay the person doing this for you.
Introduction Options:
Future Generations of Grandchildren
Dear Grandchild, we are your ancestor Grandparents, ______________.
Both of us worked as educators in Hometown, USA, starting in 1977. This letter presents to you, the Gift of Eternal Life, the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Being our descendants, we love you very much, & want to make sure you understand this ‘Gift of Salvation’, that is available to you.
(Optional: Including a Silver Dollar)
Dear Grandchild, we are your ancestor Grandparents, ______________.
Both of us worked as educators in Hometown, USA, starting in 1977. We want to give you 2 gifts on this special day. An uncirculated, collectors American Eagle Silver Dollar minted as 100% pure silver. And more importantly, the Gift of Eternal Life, the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Being our descendants, we love you very much, & want to make sure you understand this ‘Gift of Salvation’, that is available to you.